


Moving your research from analysis to data interpretation


A NGS Data Management and Analytics Platform


As NGS continues to be one of the most popular tools in molecular biology, NGS data analysis is at the heart of making sense of your big data. Running complex bioinformatics algorithm might take away a big chunk of your time causing unnecessary delays in research progress. Here’s the good news, we have a smart solution for you.


Introducing novoWorx, a Next Generation Sequencing data management and analytics platform. A comprehensive multi proprietary platform to accelerate your research by simplifying analysis using sophisticated, fully automated solutions powered by the latest technologies to handle extensive, large-scale data processing. The platform uses the best practice in running millions of reads to provide clear insights from your NGS data to drive your research further.

Why novoWorx?


  • The only commercially available tool to offer embedded novoAlign and novoSort programs for high-throughput bioinformatics analysis.
  • A modular system for delivering full genomics pipelines.
  • Process large datasets consisting of multiple samples without programming knowledge.
  • Generates all the outputs in standard formats required for downstream/tertiary analysis by other systems
  • Reproducible data allows accountability and continuity of processes.

Who should use novoWorx?


  • Academic labs
  • Small to midsize biotech companies
  • Discovery and Translational groups in Pharmaceutical companies
  • Core research labs in universities and hospitals

How It Works?


Key Features

novoWorx is a comprehensive Genome Data Management and Analytics Platform to meet the growing need for working with large sequencing datasets. novoWorx is a combination of unique proprietary software and open source modules to decipher your big data into meaningful results. This product is accessed via a web browser and requires no coding for wet lab scientists to process NGS sequencing data in a user-friendly environment.


Unique Capabilities


The only commercially available tool that offers embedded novoAlign™ and novoSort™ programs for high-throughput bioinformatics analysis.


Modular and Flexible


Utilize ready-to-use genomics pipelines to quickly and efficiently run analyses with minimal setup.


User-friendly Interface


Easily process large datasets with multiple samples without any programming knowledge.


Customisable Solutions


Have the flexibility of integrating custom pipelines tailored to your specific research needs.


Genome and data management


Manage genomes and sample data efficiently with centralized storage, comprehensive metadata, real-time updates, and robust security.


Administration & user management


Manage users and profiles with features for adding, deleting, and editing users, setting permissions, and maintaining secure access controls.

Genome & data management

Manage your genome and data in one place


Centralised repository

Store and organise all genomic data in a single, secure location.


Comprehensive metadata

Attach detailed metadata to each genome, ensuring easy tracking and retrieval.


Genome version control

Maintain version histories of genomic data to track changes and updates over time.


Sample management

Efficiently manage and catalog samples with detailed attributes and conditions.


Data integration

Seamlessly integrate data from multiple sources, including NGS, WGS, and WES datasets.


Project and analysis

Each project includes a list of user-run analyses, with real-time job status tracking for efficient monitoring and management.

Administration & user management

Comprehensive Control Over User Access

Manage users


  • Easily add new users or update user details like name, email, and role.
  • Remove users securely with confirmation steps to prevent accidental deletions.
  • Manage user status, setting them as active or inactive based on current needs.

Profile management


  • Define and manage various user profiles like Researcher, Visitor, etc.
  • Manage profiles tailored to your organization’s requirements.
  • Assign specific roles and permissions to different profiles.

User Activity Logs


  • Track all user activities within the system.
  • Download the activity logs for security and auditing purposes.

Genome & data management

Multiple pipelines in one platform




  • Metagenomics Screening & Classification Pipeline. Performs profiling analysis of bacteria, virus and protozoa in gut/environment samples.
  • Metagenomics Differential Abundance Pipeline. Performs differential abundance analysis of bacteria, virus and protozoa in gut or environment samples.
  • Shotgun Metagenomics Pipeline. An automated pipeline for taxonomic and functional analysis, identifying organisms and metabolic processes in a community.



  • Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs) Analysis Pipeline. Identifies mutations or variants (including SNVs, INDELs, and SVs), in WGS, WES, and human amplicon datasets, ensuring precise variant calling for genetic analysis.
  • Reference Guided Assembly Pipeline. Performs the assembly of reference-based reads.



  • RNA Analysis Pipeline. Performs known differential gene expression analysis on RNA samples.
  • miRNA Analysis Pipeline. Performs novel and known differential gene expression analysis on micro-RNA samples.
  • PacBio IsoSeq Analysis Pipeline. Performs the isoform abundance analysis, structural and quality annotation of isoforms of PacBio Long Reads sequencing.



  • SARS-CoV-2 Screening and Classification Pipeline. Classifies the proportion of microbes, archaea, and viruses in samples, performs robust comparative analysis, and removes contamination for metagenomics.
  • Reference Guided Assembly Pipeline (SARS-CoV-2 as reference). Performs the assembly of reference-based reads where SARS-CoV-2 will be a reference.
  • Reference Guided Assembly Pipeline (SARS-CoV-2 and GRCh38 as reference). Performs the assembly of reference-based reads where SARS-CoV-2 and GRCh38 genomes will be the references.



  • Reference Guided Assembly Pipeline. Performs the assembly of reference-based reads. The reads will be mapped to E. coli using novoAlign and novoSort.
  • De Novo Assembly PipelinePerforms reads assembly where in this analysis, references are not required.

Other customized analysis pipelines available!

Can’t find your desired pipelines for your research project? Worry not, contact us and our team will build one for you according to your project requirements, all bundled-up into one platform.



Integrated BLAST analysis


  • BLAST against local genomes
  • BLAST against online databases

More features to explore

  • Integration of custom pipelines
  • Ready-to-use downloadable results
  • Real-time job monitoring
  • Supports multiple samples run from a single click, no coding required to loop through large sample collection sets
  • Adjustable parameters of workflow
  • Integrated genome browser
  • Web-enabled and secure interface with access control
  • Drag and drop sequencing/other files into the interface

System Requirements

Operating system


Microsoft Windows 8 and above


Debian Linux 7.0 and above


Ubuntu Linux 14.04 and above


Mac OS (Sierra 10.12)

Minimum requirements

Minimum Recommended
CPU Dual core 1.8GHz OctaCore 3.2Ghz
Memory 8 GB DDR2 16GB DDR3
Storage Space 5GB for installation media*

50 GB post installation **

100GB free space ***

5GB for installation media*

50 GB post installation **

100GB free space ***

Network 500Kb/s Download Speed 1Mb/s Download Speed
Virtual Machine Environment Any Virtual Machine Environment capable of importing OVA files Oracle Virtualbox V4.2 and above (Recommended) or VMware

* Only takes into account the OVA installation media
** Post installation file size

Files Size


novoWorx Databases 2GB
HG19 Reference files 18GB
*** Free space on your device or on a storage device where you will store your samples and outputs. File sizes are dependent on the data you have. This is not included in the 50GB required for novoWorx installation


novoWorx is currently tested and built for Google Chrome Build 53.0.2785.116 m. Other browsers that are supported for novoWorx are:

  1. Chromium build 37.0.2062.120-1
  2. Vivaldi build 1.4.589.11 and above
  3. Mozilla Firefox 45.3.0
  4. Safari 5.1.10

The following browsers have been tested with novoWorx but have limited support until further releases:

  1. Microsoft Edge (All builds)
  2. Opera (All builds)
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