By: Michael Boon

Mr. Colin on the topic of Next Generation Sequencing.
Last month, we have organized a free Bioinformatics Seminar for students from Multimedia University Malacca Campus. Over 20 people, including students and lecturers have attended the seminar, covering several aspects of Bioinformatics, and real world application of the technology. It was an interactive session whereby students and lecturers were able to discuss with our panel speakers on the issues regarding the nature of Bioinformatics.

Mr. Colin on the topic of Next Generation Sequencing.

Malik on the topic of Single Nucleotide Variations.

Kamesh on the topic of Structural Variations.
Students and lecturers participating in the seminar.

MMU students get a first glance of what we do at Novocraft Technologies.

Mr. Colin with Dr Ng.

Group photo with MMU students and lecturers.
It was our pleasure to have worked with MMU Malacca campus to bring about this seminar to the students. We’d like to extend our appreciation to Dr. Ng for bringing his students over to make this a wonderful experience for us as well.
We are looking forward to organizing more seminars, with our core goals to educate younger generation in Malaysia on the applications, opportunities, future prospect, and business of Bioinformatics.